This is a temporary visa. You may be granted permission to stay and work in Australia for up to 2 years. With this visa , you can complete a workplace based training or a professional development program .

To be eligible to apply for a 407 visa you must:
Have a sponsored who is approved as a temporary activities sponsor
Have a sponsor nominate you to participate in a program of occupational training unless your sponsor is a Australian Commonwealth Government agency. Nomination requirements are different depending on the purpose of type of training
Have functional English
Must be a genuine temporary entrant
There are 3 types of occupational training covered by this visa:
Occupational training required for registration
Occupational training to improve skills in an eligible occupation
Occupational training for capacity building overseas
If you are applying from within Australia , you must hold a valid temporary substantive visa that is not a :
a Subclass 403 (Temporary Work (International Relations) visa in the Domestic Worker (Diplomatic or Consular stream) or
a Subclass 771 (Transit) visa or
a Special Purpose visa
If you are in Australia and do not hold a substantive visa, your last substantive visa must not have been one of the above visas and your application must be made within 28 days:
after the last substantive visa you held ceased to be in effect or
after the day you were notified of the Administrative Appeal Tribnual’s decision to set aside and substitute the decision to cancel your substantive visa, or the Minister’s decision not to revoke the cancellation of your substantive visa.